How to Install Extensions in Your Hair?

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How to Install Your Extensions in Your Hair?

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How to install your extensions in your hair is a hot topic that people are recently discussing. You may have seen many people have this hairstyle,  but in fact, only a few people know how to put a dirty braid on your hair. Today, I will write deeply about it in the following angels. (All the information comes from the Internet.)

1 Test your hair with crochet

loc extensions

If your dreadlocks are too tight, you may not be able to add extensions yourself. Test the needle by pushing the needle through the thick part of the dreadlocks. However, if the needle slips, you can install your own extension. Otherwise, you will need to professionally install the extension using dreadlock glue.

2 Dread any un-dreaded extensions.

loc extensions

 If you purchased regular extensions, you will need to dread them yourself. 

First and foremost, you need to hold the end of the extension with one hand. Hold the tail end of the extension tightly in another hand. 

In addition, you can use a fine-toothed comb to brush the hair against the grain, start from the front end of the loc extension and work in small sections. This will create small knots in the hair, dreading it.

Moreover, you can pull it down with your hand to smooth it out and repeat the process After combing the entire extension.

Finally, you should keep combing and smoothing the extension until it is much dreaded.

3 Cut your loc extension in advance.

loc extensions

You should prepare an extension that is already cut before you install any extensions. Besises, you are supposed to cut off the tips and brush them out by rat tail comb If you have blunted ends on your dreadlocks. Thus, your loose hair may have one to two inches (2.5-5 cm) of at the ends of your dreadlocks.

4 Fix the loc extension to your onw hair.

loc extensions

You can overlap the end of your hair with the front end of the dirty braid, and rub the palm of your hand to fuse the two together. After that, you use a crochet hook to tie the joints between the two continuously. During this period, you need to constantly adjust the length of the braid and the direction of the tie to make it more natural and firmer.

5 Blend the extension and your hair together.


Firstly, you prepare a 0.5mm / 0.75mm crochet hook ahead of time and then insert it through the center of your dreadlock.

Secondly, you should gather some loose hair in the hook and gently pull it through the extension.

The most important thing is to repeat this process until all of the loose hair has been incorporated into the dreadlock.

There are some tips you need to pay attention to: 
1 you can rub the dreadlock between your palms to magnify the extension connection after the loose hair is incorporated.

2 you are supposed to use smaller crochet hookas larger hooks are more likely to damage your hair.

Here’s the video about How to Install Your Extensions in Your Hair.

How to get extensions and dreadlock crocheting?

HohoDreads is a dreadlock extension factory which specializes in supplying salon stylist, locticians, online/offline store owners, distributors, and brand owners with various kinds of high-quality loc extensions and loc extensions related products at wholesale lowest price in the market.

Here’s the link for loc extensions, click here and send us an inquiry to get a free quote now!

Here’s the link for crochet needle for dreads, click here and send us an inquiry to get a free quote now!



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