Everything about dreadlocks and dreadlock extensions

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Everything about dreadlocks and dreadlock extensions

Table of Contents

The history of dreadlocks.

Among all the topics as to the history of dreadlocks, the origin of dreads has caused a lot of discussions. And people have different opinions about it, some people say Ancient Egypt is the origin, others say Ancient Europe, Rastafari and India are also options. But the same point is that they all date back to ancient times and there are always having arguing about where is dreadlocks’ origin.

Dreadlock do have a very long history, so we can say that Locs are not some kinds of a new hairstyle, or a new fashion, there is the history behind them. We are not going to talk about where is the origin of dreadlock because it will cause a lot of conflicts. I think we just need to know when, where, and what dreadlock history is and what spirits that dreadlock represent, and how locs make our world better.

The depiction of dreadlocks in ancient times.

1. Ancient Egypt. Dreadlocks’ history can date back to the ancient civilization center—Ancient Egypt. Dreadlock mean power in ancient Egypt, some people believe that the longer dreadlock they have, the bigger power they get.

dreadlocks in Ancient Egypt
dreadlocks in Ancient Egypt
dreadlocks in Ancient Egypt

2. Ancient Europe. Ancient Europe also had sign of dreadlocks. Locs are described as “long rope like wooly hair” from crown way down to their feet which gives the people power.

Dreadlocks in Ancient Europe

Dreadlocks in Ancient Europe

3.India. The great deity Shiva is often depicted with dreadlocks.


4.Bible. There are a lot of stories where it is believed that people or characters in these stories had dreadlocks.


Study Links:

There is a very informative video about the history of locks I want to share.

If you want to know more, pls click to see “The history of dreadlocks” on Wikipedia.

The spirit / culture of Dreadlocks

As we can see, different places represent different dreadlocks’ cultures. And the spiritual comes from the historical story of every single place. There is no better or worse culture, all of them are the reasons why we love dreadlock.

The spritual of dreadlocks.

1. A sign of protection. Some culture believes that dreadlock protect our crown chakra or our Chi which is believed that it’s the place in our body where we harnessed our energy, so that our energy inside can be held and kept.

2.Healing power. In India, a lot of sadhus, are having dreadlock and they believe the longer their locks are, the more healing power they get.


3.Peace & Love. The great Rastafarian Bob Marley spread love and magic through his music and reputation, and he made it acceptable for people to have any kind of freeform locks in the world. With its special & iconic dreadlock hairstyle, he dedicated his life to the Rastafarian movement, showing the world Rasta stands for peace and love, and telling the world that you can recognize them by the symbol of freeform locs.


4.Showing the pride of our own culture. Maasai are very well known for their long thin red clay dreadlocks, which represents they are Maasai warriors. All of them are wearing locks which shows their pride in their culture, proud of being one of the Maasai warriors.

maasai dreadlocks

So above all, we can see that deadlock are the symbol of positivity, love and peace. No matter who you are, you can rock them with pride and love! No matter what ways you choose to get dreadlocks, please understand that there is a deep-rooted history when you rock these locs.  And they represent culture, protection, power, peace and love.

If you want to find the right hair vendor, look no futher than hohodreads.For all you online store owners and brand owners out there, our afro kinky hair bulk is the perfect material to make customized locs, twists and wigs for your customers. For these are 100% human hair hair buk and come with different curl patterns and colors to meet everyone’s needs. And for those of you who prefer a ready-to-go solution, our pre-made loc extensions are just what you’re looking for.

No more spending forever preparing the hair before braiding or corcheting, and no more struggling through the whole loc crocheting process. Our locs are not only made from 100% human hair, and yes, we hand make each one. With over 200 experienced locs makers on our team. We’re ready to craft your wholesale orders on time and with the highest quality. Any style, any color, and any size hohodreads is here to serve to you!



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